Following each Phillies season, there’s always a storyline that causes debates all over the Delaware Valley. Usually, it’s coming off a disappointing season, and we’re all wondering which free agents to target. Well, things are different this year. The Phillies made the playoffs. Not only that, but they made the World Series. Sure, we’re still having those same conversations about which free agents to sign, but there’s another big decision to make.

Should the Phillies trade Rhys Hoskins?

My answer? A resounding, YES.

I don’t dislike Rhys Hoskins. He’s a nice guy and I have nothing against his character, or anything. I just simply don’t think there’s a place for him on this baseball team. He’s been far too inconsistent and made far too many mistakes. It would greatly benefit the Phillies if they just move on.

I’m not really sure what the argument is for keeping him. I’ll lay out my argument for trading him, but I wouldn’t even call it an argument because nothing is going to change my mind. To me, this is the only possible solution. So, I suppose I will lay out my case for trading Hoskins.

1. He’s a poor hitter

He’s a poor hitter. He hit .246 this year, which was actually not a bad year for him, considering he’s a career .242 hitter. Let me compare that to Bryce Harper. I know, it’s not fair to compare Harper and Hoskins, but I’m strictly comparing batting average. Throughout his career, Harper’s been known as a guy who doesn’t hit for a good average. Now, he’s shed that criticism over the past two years, hitting .309 and .286, but prior to 2021, Harper was a career .276 hitter. A guy who was well-known around the league as a player who doesn’t hit for a good average, was a .276 career hitter. If that’s a guy who doesn’t hit for a good average, then what does that make Rhys Hoskins, with his .242 average?

I always clarify; I know batting average is not the end-all, be-all. But, trust me, we can look at a few more stats that will prove the same point. His .332 OBP ranked him 53rd in the league, so it’s not like he’s exceptional at getting on base. His .794 OPS ranked 43rd and his .345 wOBA ranked, believe it or not, 43rd.

Now, looking at it completely impartially, that’s not bad. I don’t think anyone is really arguing that Rhys Hoskins is an elite hitter. Those stats probably sit right about where you’d expect him to be, they’re not bad. Looking at a blind resume, he looks like a decent player that is probably more of a power hitter. His 30 home runs don’t really prove that point, but that’s ok. Overall, his offensive stats show he’s a fine hitter. Surely, he’s a plus defender to make up for his lack of offense!

2. He’s a FAR worse defender

No, he’s actually one of the worst defenders in baseball. And I’m not saying these things to take shots at him, I’m just presenting the facts. Out of 36 qualified MLB first basemen, Rhys Hoskins ranked 35th in OAA (outs above average), with a -9. He also ranked 35/36 in runs prevented, with a -7.

Out of 267 qualified players, Rhys Hoskins ranked 267th in OAA when moving to his right, with a -10. Meaning, if a groundball is hit to his right, Hoskins will misplay that ball more often than any other player in baseball when they have to move to their right. It’s a specific stat, but it makes sense. And it’s one thing to cherry pick stats, but this isn’t an outlier. Him being the worst defender in the MLB going to his right makes sense when you look at all of his other poor defensive statistics.

And don’t even get me started on the “eye test.” If you want to say you don’t believe in defensive metrics, that’s fine, go take a look at some of his highlights (if you want to call them that).

He also committed 14 errors this season.

I don’t dislike Rhys Hoskins. I just don’t think there’s any room for him on this baseball team. He’s a very “eh,” streaky hitter who he one of the worst defenders in baseball. Maybe you could keep his bat, which can get hot at times, down in the order, but where would you put him in the field? He really can’t play first, and you’ve already got too many DH’s on this team, but more importantly DH will have to be reserved for Bryce Harper, who still won’t be able to play the field. It just doesn’t make sense to trot Rhys Hoskins back out there when they’re trying to win a World Series. You don’t have the time to just keep him on the roster for another year and let him walk after. If the Phillies want to bring home a World Series, he needs to go.

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