Barreldelphia Media is a platform for me to express my knowledge, interests and feelings, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, usually dumb, rarely intelligent. Which is 99.9999% sports. I’m a Philadelphia sports fan, so it’s a lot of Phillies, Eagles, Sixers and Flyers, but I also love talking about fantasy football and fantasy baseball. I also absolutely love college basketball for some reason. College football’s pretty sick too.

Right now, all we got is a website, an Instagram and a Twitter account (go follow @barreldelphia on both). Podcast coming SOON. Probably will have a Youtube channel in addition to that. We’ll see where the road takes us.

This is just something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’ve tried multiple times, made Twitter accounts, made websites, yada yada yada, but this is the first time I’m really going all in. Idk what it’s gonna end up being, but I know I’m gonna try really hard to make this into something people enjoy, whether that’s because it’s entertaining or informative or whatever. If I can bring you value in any way, shape, or form, then my job is done.